Sunday, 29 October 2017

8. Costume Concept

We thought that this type of costume would help to capture the real essence of youth/teenage culture as the style of clothing allows young people to express themselves, creating their own identity that they want others to see.

Monday, 23 October 2017

5. Audience Research & Profile

Q1. We assumed that, as we used our social media platforms to promote our survey, the majority of replies would come from our peers and people of similar age groups. Due to the prodominant answers falling into the category of 17-22, it would be wise of us to make this our target audience as we have information mostly for this group. 
Q2.  There was a close gap between the result for people that liked Rap/Grime and Indie therefore we directed our search for an unsigned artist by keeping this in mind.

Q3.  The place where people went most to find new music was YouTube which happened to be where we found most results of unseen artists. It will also be the platform where we ultimately post our final product.
Q4. We will most definitely include a narrative in our video however it may be difficult for us to get the official artist in the video so we will most likely have to get someone else to lip-sync and pretend to be our artist for the video.
Q5. We will most likely make our video realistic as it is what most people prefer.

From our research we have been able to culminate the information to provide us with a clear idea of our target audience and their interests.

Response to Survey Monkey after our video was completed

Sunday, 22 October 2017

4. Mini Pitch

Mini Pitch Analysis 

The video above showcases our mini pitch

This video show cases constructive criticism given to use by our teachers, we used there oppinions and advice when creating our story board.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

3. Lyric Analysis

Junior Empire – Said and Done Lyric Analysis

 (VERSE #1)
I like what I’m used to, never giving that up
With one eye open and another one shut
Nobody chooses where they’re gonna end up


When all is said and done

(VERSE #2)
While the feeling is lucid I'll soak all of it up
The streets that I move in and the skin that I touch
Maybe I’m clueless but I love what I got
When all is said and done

All that we’re dreaming of
The foreign hills that we love 
Will turn to dust in the sun

When all is said and done
Ooooooooooooooo (When all is said and done) X4

(VERSE #3)
I’ve been cruising with no bag in my hand
Leaving these rumours like a trail in the sand
A faded illusion but I know where I land
When all is said and done

All that we’re dreaming of
The foreign hills that we love
Will turn to dust in the sun

When all is said and done
Ooooooooooooooo (When all is said and done) X4

We can learn
We've been reckless
We can learn to love again
Learn to love again


The song takes inspiration from the binary form structure however alters it, following a structure of verse, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus and then the final chorus, followed by an outro.

  • The first line suggests a sense of individualism and self-confidence.
  • The pre-chorus is repeated twice
  • The song as a whole possesses a sense of the youth, with constant reference to travelling
  • The line 'We've been reckless' alludes to the idea if youth freedom and making decisions without worrying about the consequences
The overall theme of the song is about youth freedom and not worrying about what the future has to hold. It encourages living in the moment and loving what you have, hence why we chose the song for its positive outlook on life.

2. Unsigned Artist Research & Final Song Choice


3 Of My Chosen Songs Are; 

Migos T- Shirt 

Lucy Spraggan - Last Night (Beer Fear) 

Lucy Spraggan - Tea and Toast 


Listed here are the three unsigned artists that I researched to use for our music video and devised a pitch for in order to present to my group. 

I played my three selected songs for the group for the first time and pitched each one - explaining why I believe they are worthy of our group choosing them for our music video.


Research Music ideas


Here is my different songs pitched to my group: (Audio Podcast)


Unsigned Artist Research


Friday, 20 October 2017

1. Permission

As a group, we contacted 3 unsigned artists.
  1. Dave
  2. ZieZie
  3. Junior Empire
Attached below are screenshots of the messages:

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Research - Magazine Advert Analysis

Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (Oct 2009) 

The White Stripes - Under Great White Northern Lights (Mar 2010) 


Targeting Audiences

Different genres of music target their audience in different ways. I think this is in order to reach as many of their fans as possible and many different genres use different ways to achieve this. Many genres have their own magazines that specialise in their genre of music and appeals to the mass fanbase, for example Kerrang is a Rock/Metal magazine that specialises in focusing on rock orientated music and bands - they include different albums from a range of bands that span the whole genre. Other genres for example Indie music might not have this so they might promote their genre of music through television - for example many indie bands/artists are found to promote their music through a television programme called 'Sunday Brunch', where they have specific sections throughout the show where they have different bands/artists perform their music and it is mostly smaller/less well-known Indie bands/artists - this can help to create a target audience or help the band/artist expand their target audience as this is one of the largest shows on the tv during the morning on a Sunday. 

Research - Magazine Advert

Research - Magazine Advert

Benefits Of Magazine Adverts

- High quality glossy images
- Can directly target the predicted age/style demographic by appearing in newspapers they would read
- Newspapers last longer than newspapers thus they will most likely be looked at more over time
- Nationally, if not globally distributed

In recent years, due to the colossal in rise of the music industries' web presence, particularly through YouTube and Spotify, there has been little demand for physical magazine adverts due to the digital versions being mor widely and quickly distributed.

Research - Magazine Advert

Previous A2 Magazine Advert

I find this magazine advert the most realistic as it features social media links such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat which appeals to digital natives. It also features links to both iTunes and AmazonMusic, clearly showing the audience where the song can be streamed. It also features a five star review which would further attract an audience.

Recent album releases

I found finding recent magazine adverts for albums and singles quite difficult. This is because in this day and age, the majority of artists simply use social media and the internet to promote their work. Due to this, I have not been able to find recent magazine adverts so I have embedded a few from over the past few years.

Target Audiences

Different genres of music do use different ways to target their audience. This is due to the fact that not all music fans are the same and they do not have the same interests, so artists of different genres have to use different ways to advertise. For example, some genres of music divide opinions such as rock; the genre of rock is not everyone's 'cup of tea' and as a result, there are a few magazines which are solely dedicated to the rock genre, such as 'Classic Rock'.

Poster Analysis

Research - Magazine Adverts

Friday, 6 October 2017

Research - Music Video (Contemporary)

'Shape of You' Ed Sheeran (2017)

Research - Music Video (Controversial)

'Heart Shaped Box' Nirvana (1993) 

Research - Music Video (Seminal)

'Take On Me' A-ha (1985)

Research - Music Video (Contemporary)

Research: Music Video (Controversial)

Controversial Music Video

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Controversial Lyrics:

"I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again, I guess I don't know my own strength"
Promotes domestic abuse, which features as a key theme in the video.

"If she ever tries to ******* leave again, Im'a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire"
Portrays aspects of a possessive and controlling relationship, which can easily lead to domestic abuse.

"Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems"
In terms of this line, the video clearly suggests otherwise which highlights the abusive nature of the relationship being shown. 

Goodwin's Features

  • There is a clear relationship between music and visuals.

Research - Music Video (Seminal)

Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Analysis

Research - Music Video (Controversial)

Miley Cyrus - We Cant Stop Analysis

Research - Music Video (Contemporary)

Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl Analysis

Research - Music Videos

1) Seminal video e.g. Bohemian Rhapsody

1.This was the opening of the video, quality is poor which shows it is a dated video. The lighting is poor although it is evident there is a desired effect portrayed through the use of overhead lighting.
2.As the music is calm the main singer is positioned at a piano with blue toned light, representing a calm setting
3.As the music changes tone and frequency the environment changes and the singers are shown on a stage with smoke and bright lights creating an exiting environment
4.The smoke on stage has been emphasized with the pink back lighting which changes the overall color of the scene, we can see that this is a low budget and seminal video because there is no modern features or props used.

5.The drum kit here represents rebellious behavior, this linked with the green lighting which connotes, envy and jealousy. 

2) One modern from the last two years

2) One controversial Music Video 

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Research - Genre (Pop)


Micheal Jackson
David Bowie
Britney Spears
Ed Sheeran 

These are just some of the faces that are or have been at the top of the pop charts.

Live Performances


A term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular”.The genre popular music originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll.
- The term "pop song" is first recorded as being used in 1926 According to Grove Music Online, the term "pop music" "originated in Britain in the mid-1950s as a description for rock and roll and the new youth music styles that it influenced Chambers Dictionary mentions the contemporary usage of the term "pop art"Since the late 1950s, however, pop has had the special meaning of non-classical music.
- Some of the most well known names in history such as; The Beatles, Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, ABBA etc…


Pop music, which accounts for the majority of the music on today's charts, is an a genre which includes a mix of many different styles of music which vary from jazz to country; rock and roll to rap; be-bop to hip-hop.Sheet music was a big thing with pop music, as it literally Written song notes, which would get families together and then played on an instrument. Publishers of sheet music set up companies to meet the demand of those desiring their products, and would often scout out new composers and have their music made available in printed form for sale.

When pianos gave way to the phonograph around the beginning of the 20th century, popular renditions of music followed with them.By the mid 1920s, a new music called jazz with a new peculiar rhythm.Later African derived art form music called "blues“,soon helped transform the music that was heard. 

Pop music is generally described as very commercial friendly,marketable and memorable, with either vocals, lyrics,instruments, or a combination of all three creating catchy choruses or verses.The goal is to automatically create visual content in responses to the feature extracted from the music.To give a visually coherent representation of the sound.

1956: Elvis Presley emerges as one of the worlds first rock stars. With so many hit songs,he was referred to as the king of rock n roll. He is one of the best-selling solo artist in the history of popular music.

Late 1950s: The English rock music group Beatles was formed.John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr were the members of the group. Most lyrics and music were written by Lennon and McCartney. The decade 1960-70 was dominated by the Beatles.

1975-83: Popularity of disco and hip-hop lead to the popularity of pop.The movie Saturday Night Fever was released. Disco music gained popularity. Hip-hop emerged as a blend of rock, jazz, and soul with African drumming in the New York City. Nonstop music videos were released by MTV. Cats began its journey. The debut album of Madonna "Holiday" becomes a hit.

1983: Michael Jackson popularizes the moonwalk. The moonwalk or back slide is a dance technique that presents the illusion that the dancer is stepping forward while actually moving backward.1985: Michael Jackson releases "Thriller"The video becomes a classic, and is still one of the most notable videos to date now.

1990s: Various famous groups made pop music more popular Grunge rock was formed in Seattle, Backstreet Boys and Blackstreet were formed, the movie "Titanic" and the song "My Heart Will Go On," became popular.

Research - Genre

Research - Genre

Indie pop is a music genre and subculture that combines guitar pop with DIY ethic in opposition to the style and tone of mainstream pop music. It originated from British post-punk in the late 1970s and subsequently generated a thriving fanzinelabel, and club and gig circuit. 
The style, a counterpart of indie rock differs to the extent that it is more melodic, less abrasive, and relatively angst-free than other indie rock.

Research - Genre

Contemporary R&B, also known as simply R&B, is a music genre that combines elements of pop, rhythm and blues, soul, funk, hip-hop, gospel and electronic dance music.

Contemporary R&B originated at the end of the disco era, in the late 1970s, when Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones added more electronics to the back music sound of the time to create a smoother dancefloor- friendly sound. 

Here are a few examples of R&B songs: