Thursday, 5 October 2017

Research - Genre (Pop)


Micheal Jackson
David Bowie
Britney Spears
Ed Sheeran 

These are just some of the faces that are or have been at the top of the pop charts.

Live Performances


A term that originally derives from an abbreviation of "popular”.The genre popular music originated in its modern form in the 1950s, deriving from rock and roll.
- The term "pop song" is first recorded as being used in 1926 According to Grove Music Online, the term "pop music" "originated in Britain in the mid-1950s as a description for rock and roll and the new youth music styles that it influenced Chambers Dictionary mentions the contemporary usage of the term "pop art"Since the late 1950s, however, pop has had the special meaning of non-classical music.
- Some of the most well known names in history such as; The Beatles, Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, ABBA etc…


Pop music, which accounts for the majority of the music on today's charts, is an a genre which includes a mix of many different styles of music which vary from jazz to country; rock and roll to rap; be-bop to hip-hop.Sheet music was a big thing with pop music, as it literally Written song notes, which would get families together and then played on an instrument. Publishers of sheet music set up companies to meet the demand of those desiring their products, and would often scout out new composers and have their music made available in printed form for sale.

When pianos gave way to the phonograph around the beginning of the 20th century, popular renditions of music followed with them.By the mid 1920s, a new music called jazz with a new peculiar rhythm.Later African derived art form music called "blues“,soon helped transform the music that was heard. 

Pop music is generally described as very commercial friendly,marketable and memorable, with either vocals, lyrics,instruments, or a combination of all three creating catchy choruses or verses.The goal is to automatically create visual content in responses to the feature extracted from the music.To give a visually coherent representation of the sound.

1956: Elvis Presley emerges as one of the worlds first rock stars. With so many hit songs,he was referred to as the king of rock n roll. He is one of the best-selling solo artist in the history of popular music.

Late 1950s: The English rock music group Beatles was formed.John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr were the members of the group. Most lyrics and music were written by Lennon and McCartney. The decade 1960-70 was dominated by the Beatles.

1975-83: Popularity of disco and hip-hop lead to the popularity of pop.The movie Saturday Night Fever was released. Disco music gained popularity. Hip-hop emerged as a blend of rock, jazz, and soul with African drumming in the New York City. Nonstop music videos were released by MTV. Cats began its journey. The debut album of Madonna "Holiday" becomes a hit.

1983: Michael Jackson popularizes the moonwalk. The moonwalk or back slide is a dance technique that presents the illusion that the dancer is stepping forward while actually moving backward.1985: Michael Jackson releases "Thriller"The video becomes a classic, and is still one of the most notable videos to date now.

1990s: Various famous groups made pop music more popular Grunge rock was formed in Seattle, Backstreet Boys and Blackstreet were formed, the movie "Titanic" and the song "My Heart Will Go On," became popular.

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