Friday, 6 October 2017

Research - Music Videos

1) Seminal video e.g. Bohemian Rhapsody

1.This was the opening of the video, quality is poor which shows it is a dated video. The lighting is poor although it is evident there is a desired effect portrayed through the use of overhead lighting.
2.As the music is calm the main singer is positioned at a piano with blue toned light, representing a calm setting
3.As the music changes tone and frequency the environment changes and the singers are shown on a stage with smoke and bright lights creating an exiting environment
4.The smoke on stage has been emphasized with the pink back lighting which changes the overall color of the scene, we can see that this is a low budget and seminal video because there is no modern features or props used.

5.The drum kit here represents rebellious behavior, this linked with the green lighting which connotes, envy and jealousy. 

2) One modern from the last two years

2) One controversial Music Video 

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